Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Survival Carbine

Just as Jeff Cooper introduced the Scout Rifle concept decades ago, shooters should look seriously at  another concept, the survival carbine.  This concept would not introduce or highlight new "gotta have" hardware, but would instead focus on existing carbines and accessories and how to tailor them for self defense. The type of scenarios and situations an armed civilian would encounter.   This seems counterintuitive, but in reality our best known trainers recommend weapons best suited for special operations, high risk contractors, or 3 gun competitions.  In the race for the latest and greatest, the fundamental use of the carbine, self defense, is lost. 

Here are some starting questions. What should a survival carbine have as essential characteristics?  How powerful should it be? Does it have to be semi automatic? How should it be accessorized? What if any optics are useful? How would its defensive role differ from the shot gun? 

Defining the requirements of the survival carbine will be the subject of further posts in this blog.

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